

Your ReportJoe Sample


Personality Assessment Report


Joe Sample


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Provided by:

Angel Tucker
Best Selling Author/Communication Expert
Personality Profiles LLC

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Access code: ASFI-SAMPLE-AXNQ, completed 2023-08-30 , Adult Standard Fitness Report v1.2

DISCLAIMER: This report is for educational and self-awareness purposes only. The content herein is based on general trait tendencies of the D/I personality style. This report is NOT intended to provide data, advice or guidance for diagnostic, health, legal, financial, or psychological purposes. If such advice or data is required, then a qualified professional should be sought. All parties associated with this report are to be held harmless from any and all liabilities, demands, claims, actions or suits that may be asserted related to the use of information contained herein.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Main Menu

The First Steps to Fitness Success
What you will learn
4 Steps to
Fitness Success

Page 3
DISC Intro

Page 4
Intro to you
Your Personality Style
Page 5
Descriptive words
Descriptive Words
Page 6
Guide to Understanding Yourself
Your Strengths
Page 7
Keys to Excellence
Keys to Excellence
Page 8
What to emphasize
Health Tips
Pages 9
What to emphasize
Exercise Tips
Page 10
Fitness Guides  (Strengths / Struggles / Strategies / Activities)
Fitness Guide for
Your D Traits
Pages 11-15
Fitness Guide for
Your I Traits

Pages 16-21
Your Personality Graphs and Application Guides
Your Graphs
DISC Graphs
and Guides

Pages 22 - 24

Page 25


Your ReportJoe Sample

Four Steps to Fitness Success Perception

STEP 1: Discover Your Fitness Personality Style

Congratulations, Joe! By completing the assessment, your fitness personality style has been calculated as D/I.

Your first trait is D which stands for DOMINANT. Your second trait is I which stands for INSPIRING.

STEP 2: Understand Yourself

Step 2 is to discover what your personality style really means, because it affects everything you do! Joe, understanding yourself is essential in order to maximize your results and be your best. This report will show you how to approach health and exercise in a way that works in harmony with your personality style. It will identify natural strengths that you can leverage to your advantage. It will also identify potential areas that may be a struggle for you as well as strategies to overcome those barriers to your success.

STEP 3: Understand Others

Step 3 to achieving better fitness results involves understanding others. Even the best athletes can be helped by other people. You will soon begin to understand the strengths that others possess and how they can contribute to your success. Whether you like to exercise on your own or with others, you will discover how to best interact with those around you to achieve your goals.

STEP 4: Take Action and Apply What You Know

Step 4 is the critical step, because it involves taking action and immediately applying what you are learning. This report will give you specific recommendations and steps you can immediately take to help you stay on track for better fitness. You will especially love the section on "Fitness Strategies" which provides practical advice you can use today!



Your ReportJoe Sample

The "DISC" Model of Human BehaviorDISC Overview

Joe, we will be using a concept called the "DISC" Model of Human Behavior in this report. Each letter (D, I, S and C) represents a main personality style. The DISC model is based on the fact that most people have predictable patterns of behavior. The first pattern reflects whether a person is more OUTGOING or RESERVED. The second pattern reflects whether a person is more TASK-ORIENTED or PEOPLE-ORIENTED. The two patterns can be visualized in two circular diagrams with opposing traits and then combined into one diagram as shown below.

The DISC behavioral patterns

The circular diagram in Step 3 has four sections like a pie. Each section is a combination of two traits that can be described by the letters D, I, S and C. The main words that we use to describe each personality style are Dominant (D), Inspiring (I), Supportive (S) and Cautious (C) as shown below.

DISC Model

Each Person is a UNIQUE BLEND of ALL FOUR traits. Your assessment shows that your personality blend is: "D/I." You will learn more about your "D/I" blend in your Personality Assessment Report.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Step 1: Discover Your Personality!What you will learn

Personality Chart for Joe

Very High


Avg. Above
-- Mid-line --
Avg. Below


Very Low

Congratulations, Joe! Your personality style blend is D/I. By having a DOMINANT / INSPIRING personality style, you're a person who seeks to lead - who likes to be in charge and get results quickly! You like producing tangible results. Your strengths are in generating high energy and action to get results. A graph of your personality style is shown to the right.

Note: This graph represents your D/I Style Blend. Please look in the "Graphs" section of this report to see your detailed graphs along with an explanation on how to understand your graphs.

"D" is the highest on the chart. You are task-oriented and outgoing. The Exclamation Mark is your symbol. You are extremely gifted at getting tasks done quickly. By being a visionary, you achieve your goals through people. Next, notice that in your graph, the I area is above the midline. That means your I traits will support your primary type which is D. I traits are usually where you go under stress. Consider that some short-term solutions create long-term problems. The S and C areas in your graph are below the midline. These are blind spots in your life. Acting on these traits will accelerate your success and help you gain respect with others.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Step 2: Understanding Yourself - Words That Describe Joe Words that best describe you

  • Domineering
  • Verbal
  • Enthusiastic
  • Involved
  • Competitive
  • Exaggerated
  • Ambitious
  • Polished
  • Driving
  • Persuasive
  • Emotional
  • Demanding
  • Direct
  • Decisive
  • Deliberate
  • Determined
  • Bold
  • Imaginative
  • Impulsive
  • Spontaneous
  • Independent

Please keep in mind these words may describe you more or less depending on the situation. If you feel that some of the words above describe you very well, then circle them. If you feel like some of the words do not describe you well, simply cross them out. This information is usually 85-95% accurate, but you are welcome to mark it up to match your unique personality style.

This report is NOT meant to label you! It is designed to HELP you UNDERSTAND and DISCover yourself. You can enjoy your unique personality and your strengths!


Your ReportJoe Sample

Joe's Strengths What you will learn

The following section describes Joe's strengths based on the D/I personality blend. These strengths represent qualities resulting from blending the D, I, S and C personality traits. Remember, everyone is a unique blend of all four styles. In other words, everyone has some of each of the four major personality styles.


Determined, Energetic and Outgoing

Joe prefers to be on the go and prefers doing multiple tasks with people. Joe looks for opportunities and is eager to get started on the next project. Joe enjoys getting results by working with people to achieve goals.


Enthusiastic Leader:

Joe can work with others in a fast-paced environment.  Joe knows how to get people moving toward a goal.  Joe works hard and inspires others to do their best.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Joe's Keys to Excellence What you will learn

The following section describes Joe's keys to maintain balance and excellence in life based on the dynamics of the D/I personality blend. These keys are important in adapting to the needs and perspective of others. Practicing these insights will cultivate teamwork, productivity, harmony and understanding with others.

Be Patient With People

Your mindset is "let's go now!" Not everyone will want to move as fast as you do. Be patient with people who prefer to take their time.

Adjust Your Pace

Adjust your pace and energy to those you interact with. Some people respond better to high energy and some people respond better in a calm environment.

Inspire Others to Grow as Leaders

Inspire others to grow by encouraging them to take on leadership roles for future development.

Consider Your Words

Be aware of your tone and intensity level when you communicate. Most people are sensitive to HOW things are said just much as they are to WHAT is being said.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Health Tips for Each Fitness Personality

Health Tips for DOMINANT (D) Types:
Health Tips for INSPIRING (I) Types:
  • Major Tip: DETERMINE to be balanced with your health.
  • Avoid extremes such as total neglect or making health your ONLY focus.
  • Watch for stress, as you can be more intense than other styles.
  • Use your love for adventure to engage in healthy activities.
  • Avoid using stress as an excuse for eating junk food. Make good food choices even when you want to eat "now"!
  • Control your work schedule and MAKE time to relax.
  • Major Tip: INSPIRE yourself to be consistent in leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • INSPIRE yourself to plan ahead so as not to be impulsive in making unhealthy choices.
  • Make wise food choices when you socialize - especially with desserts.
  • BEWARE of making unhealthy food choices when you are emotionally drained or down.
  • Set up a personal reward system for reaching health-related goals.
  • Tell some friends about your goals and ask them to keep you accountable.
Health Tips for CAUTIOUS (C) Types:
Health Tips for SUPPORTIVE (S) Types:
  • Major Tip: Be CAREFUL to keep health in perspective with other areas of your life!
  • Your meticulous attention to details can keep you thinking instead of DOING!
  • Be conscious of your food choices, but do not overanalyze everything and drive yourself crazy!
  • Strive for excellence (objective and measurable) rather than perfection (subjective and stressful)
  • Track your health basics - weight, body composition, activity and nutrition.
  • Take time to relax. Learning not to worry is perhaps the healthiest skill you can develop.
  • Major Tip: SUPPORT yourself and your own health so you can be better able to take care of others.
  • As a giving, accommodating person, give to yourself as well as you give to others.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Ignoring a problem will not make it go away.
  • See nutrition as a way of "caring for yourself." Honor and nourish your body with good food instead of depriving or neglecting it.
  • Make a personal promise to live a healthy lifestyle. This is one area of your life when quitting on yourself is absolutely not an option. Be strong in this area and you will be healthier in other areas of your life as well.
Remember: Taking care of yourself is essential to be productive, healthy and happy.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Exercise Tips for Each Fitness Personality

Exercise Tips for DOMINANT (D) Types:
Exercise Tips for INSPIRING (I) Types:
  • Pace yourself to avoid burnout or injury. You are a DOER, and that can mean overdoing it.
  • Sign up for a program that offers a specific, step-by-step, self-paced routine that you can personally control.
  • Keep a short list of personal goals you can check off each day.
  • Put exercise in your schedule as a top priority - even if it is only for a short time each day.
  • Avoid letting other areas of your life suffer by making this your extreme focus.
  • Find people to exercise with - that's what makes it FUN! Being with friends will take the "work" out of the workout.
  • Look for group-oriented exercises or team sports as a way to exercise. Exercise is more fun for you when it is disguised as recreation.
  • Set one goal you can reach each day along with a reward for completing that goal.
  • Sign up for a program that will keep you accountable and yet still be fun. You will do better when someone is expecting you to show up.
Exercise Tips for CAUTIOUS (C) Types:
Exercise Tips for SUPPORTIVE (S) Types:
  • Research an exercise program that you like and GET STARTED! It doesn’t need to be perfect – it just needs to get you moving. You can always adjust as you go.
  • Set realistic goals, follow logical plans and keep your expectations flexible. If you do not hit a goal, realize it’s OK. Calculate a new strategy and keep moving forward.
  • If you like to track details and progress, then go ahead and log all of the data! Seeing your numbers improve over time is a great motivator.
  • Make it a goal to routinely complete all exercises and activities as well relax mentally for greater clarity.
  • Seek exercise environments or team activities that are enjoyable to you.
  • Find a friend or a trainer that can support and encourage you to stretch yourself.
  • Set a personal goal that is meaningful and give yourself plenty of time to achieve it.
  • Find someone who is interested in exercise and nutrition for mutual encouragement, support and accountability.
  • Keep things routine. Find a simple activity or exercise plan you can easily and consistently mix into your day.
  • Half of the battle is just getting started. Remember, doing something (healthy) is always better than doing nothing.
Remember: Work WITH your fitness personality, not against it!


Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Strengths (D Traits) Perception

strengthsAs a Driven, Determined and Decisive personality type, you boldly welcome any and all opportunities to challenge your abilities. Your natural strengths enable you to thrive and dominate in challenging environments and activities.

You are fueled by accomplishing whatever you set out to do. Whether it is a marathon, a fitness competition, or any personal goal, you are willing to work hard and even push beyond your limits in order to be your best.

When you make a decision, you don’t like to back down or give up until you finish what you started. You are willing to do whatever it takes – not just talk about it. You make no excuses, because you are “in it to win it!”

Your outgoing, task-oriented and results-driven personality style has tremendous value way beyond your own personal fitness accomplishments. As you pave the way in your own personal accomplishments, you may consider the option of leading others as a personal trainer, a group fitness instructor or a peak performance coach. People like to follow someone like you who knows how to “get it done!”


Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Struggles (D Traits) Perception

Each person has areas that are “blind spots” based on his or her own unique personality style. As the name implies, a blind spot is an area in our life that we just do not see in the moment. Everyone has them! However, blind spots can present challenges that hinder our ability to be as successful as possible – including in the area of fitness. 

The good news is that, once you become more aware of your blind spots and how they affect you, you can make the adjustments needed to better succeed in whatever you are trying to do.

This section of your report is designed to bring awareness to specific areas that could be blind spots for you that create “fitness struggles”. These suggestions may seem unimportant or not applicable to you at first, however these suggestions may actually hold the keys to your long-term success.

Here are some of the potential “blind spot” areas that the Dominant “D” type personality style may encounter:

Guarding against overexertion: Your powerful personality is a great advantage to you when it comes to facing challenges head-on. You can tackle whatever is in front of you with tremendous force. However, as you well know – any strength, force or power that is relentlessly or excessively applied can ultimately cause damage. This is true for your muscles, joints, tendons, bones, immune system and even relationships. Sometimes working “smarter” instead of “harder” is a better strategy in order not to “break” things in the process of trying to achieve forward progress.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Struggles (D Traits) Perception

Continued from the previous page ...

Areas to watch out for to maximize your fitness results:


Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Strategies (D Traits) Perception

strategiesGet a plan and a coach: You tend to be a “do-it-yourself” kind of person who prefers to jump right into a program with the intention to get through it as quickly as possible. Two things can really help that you might not normally consider. The first is a plan. The second is a coach. Of course, you do not “need” either of these to move ahead. However, as a goal-oriented and results-driven person, each of these additional elements may potentially save you a significant amount of time, energy and money. By having these two key ingredients you may eliminate the frustration of “trial-and-error” programming, thus expediting your results!

Whether you are just getting started, trying to break through a progress plateau or dominate an upcoming fitness competition, both of these two elements often come as a “package deal” when you locate, interview and hire a certified and qualified trainer or coach. A personalized plan can provide a clear path to get you from ‘Point A to B’ with the ability to monitor effort, measure progress and make changes when necessary along the way. The Fitness Discovery System Daily Activity and Nutrition Tracker is an excellent tool to use in this regard. A personal coach can bring out the best in you by providing new challenges that force you to grow by pushing past your comfort zone.

The bottom line is, when it comes to fitness, you can “Just Do It” yourself, or perhaps take on an additional challenge of trying something new. Either way – You WIN!


Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Ideal Fitness Activities (D Traits) Perception


Based on the driven, determined and dynamic nature of your personality style, the activities listed below are a great place to either begin a new fitness program or breakthrough a progress plateau by challenging you in new ways. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it gives you some ideas to avoid wasting time doing other things that may not effectively train your inner drive for success and excellence



Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Strengths (I Traits) Perception


One of your biggest strengths is that you bring the FUN with you. You know how to make a workout seem a lot less like "work." Being naturally gifted with the most outgoing, activity-driven, people-oriented personality, it is easy to see why others love having you around. You have a positive, energetic personality and a real zest for life that attracts and encourages others to follow your lead.

People are easily influenced, deeply inspired, and positively impacted by your contagious enthusiasm. You genuinely laugh, love and enjoy being with other people. You are considered the life of any party or group because your fun, fresh and “free spirit” breathes new energy and life into regular, repetitive, and otherwise routine activities.

You are never afraid to explore anything that stirs you emotionally, ignites your creativity, or appeals to your passion for excitement. If there is an opportunity to challenge yourself by trying something new, you can usually be found at the front of the line, leading or entertaining others to join in the fun!


Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Struggles (I Traits) Perception

Each person has areas that are “blind spots” based on his or her own unique personality style. As the name implies, a blind spot is an area in our life that we just do not see in the moment. Everyone has them! However, blind spots can present challenges that hinder our ability to be as successful as possible – including in the area of fitness. 

The good news is that, once you become more aware of your blind spots and how they affect you, you can make the adjustments needed to better succeed in whatever you are trying to do.

This section of your report is designed to bring awareness to specific areas that could be blind spots for you that create “fitness struggles”. These suggestions may seem unimportant or not applicable to you at first, however these suggestions may actually hold the keys to your long-term success.

Here are some of the potential “blind spot” areas that the Inspiring “I” type personality style may encounter:

Longer term goals: Remember that longer term goals can be more difficult for this particular personality style. Fitness can definitely be fun, but it also takes hard work and dedication as you well know. Find someone who can help make your workouts fun and keep you on track and focused on your goals. The Fitness Discovery System Daily Activity and Nutrition Tracker is an excellent tool to use in this regard. We will discuss more about the best way to handle goals in the next section of this report.

Crossing the fitness "finish line":  There is no doubt that socializing can be a big part of accomplishing fitness results. Team sports, for example, are a great way for you to spend time with other people while getting exercise. At the same time, socializing can potentially get in the way of fitness results if it becomes a big distraction from your intended physical activity. For example, you may be in the middle of a workout at a gym or an exercise class and receive several phone calls from friends. You may take the calls, and, before you know it, an hour can pass and leave you with no time to complete your workout.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Struggles (I Traits) Perception

strugglesContinued from the previous page ...

Managing your "Me Time": Because you tend to be more socially active and engaged than other personality styles, you may have to work extra hard to protect your schedule and set aside regular times each week to accomplish your fitness goals. Having a workout partner who is also an “accountability partner” will do wonders to help motivate both of you to show up and maintain some level of consistency.

Staying consistent consistently: Variety is definitely the spice of your life. You are always interested in trying anything new and exciting. However, keep in mind that achieving your health-related goals is an ongoing process made up of little things that, when consistently applied over time, can lead to big results!

Keeping your fitness fire alive: Starting off with a “bang” is a great way to kick off a new project or begin a new endeavor. However, once an activity becomes too routine or it loses its newness, you might lose interest and become less engaged. Watch out if your enthusiasm decreases. You may need to add some variety or make some changes from time to time in your workout routine in order to stay motivated to finish the task or program.

Eating sensibly: Optimal health is directly impacted by what, how, when and why you eat. Your personality style may tend to eat for “entertainment” purposes more than for “nutritional” purposes. However, it is important to make wise dietary decisions even when you find yourself out and about, eating whatever, wherever, whenever, and especially if you have an active “sweet tooth”.



Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Strategies (I Traits) Perception

Find an expert: Whether you are just getting started on a fitness program or searching for new and exciting ways to have some fun while getting fit, seek the advice of a qualified fitness expert. They can help you determine what’s “hot” and what’s not, or introduce you to the newest programs, products or people.

Keep things interesting: To maximize your level of enjoyment, increase your opportunities for social interaction and keep things interesting, get involved in activities such as high-energy group fitness or dance classes, group outings and events (“fun runs” for example ), and social events (member appreciation parties, etc.).  Basically, look for any activities, classes or events that provide a chance to interact with, influence and inspire others because you were specifically created to shine in those situations! Engaging in a wide variety of short-term activities, events or programs will keep things challenging, fresh and fun. Just be careful because it is easy to get distracted with so many fads and trends that come and go. There is a big temptation to jump from program to program, buy the latest gadget or look for the next fat-burning breakthrough. In other words, add variety to the extent it personally helps you.



Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Fitness Strategies (I Traits) Perception

Continued from the previous page ...

Add some variety: To avoid getting bored with your workout, make it anything but routine! Try switching the order of exercises or even your workout days. Change your cardio routine, exercise, pace and intensity to keep things fresh and fun. For example, try adding a 60-second “jog/sprint” interval on a treadmill, bike or rower in between strength exercises. Or, try performing your regular routine wearing a weighted vest. Or, try performing your entire workout unilaterally (one side at a time), then the other. Or, take your entire workout (and some friends) outdoors for a change of scenery and intensity. There are numerous ways to have fun and variety with new challenges during any workout.

Set two types of goals: There are two very different kinds of goals that you can set: “short-term” and “long-term.” Your short term goals should involve giving yourself a reward at the end of a workout or celebrating with a friend when the two of you run or walk a certain distance for example. Short-term goals are great because they give us something to look forward to right away. Long-term goals may be goals that take more than a week to accomplish, but not more than a month. If a goal is too far away (such as 1 year), it can feel so distant that it provides little motivation for the present time. One other tip: Always have at least one goal in front of you at all times to give yourself something to look forward to.

Join a group that meets regularly: This is a strategy that will allow you to be fueled by fun interaction with others while also automatically creating consistency in your schedule. You want to make time for fitness, and this is one way to do it with friends.

Look for healthy “edutainment”: There are various documentaries and programs that are both educational and entertaining to watch regarding how to improve your personal health and making better food choices such as “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,” “King Corn” and “Food, Inc.” These videos are loaded with good information and are fun to watch!



Your ReportJoe Sample

Your Ideal Fitness Activities (I Traits) Perception


Your “inner kid” is sure to find something to like from the list below! This list is by no means exhaustive, but it provides some ideal options that will maximize your opportunities for interacting, influencing and inspiring others while, at the same time, having a great time!



Your ReportJoe Sample

Graphs for Joe SampleWhat you will learn

Your Environment Graph
(How People See You)
Your Basic Graph
( The Real You)

Very High


Avg. Above
-- Mid-line --
Avg. Below


Very Low

53        81        17        54
71        68        23        46

Overview of Your Graphs

The graphs above show levels for your D, I, S and C personality traits. The higher the level of the trait, the stronger it is. The graph on the left is called Your Environment Graph. This graph shows how people see you. It shows how you tend to act with other people (in the environment). The graph on the right is called Your Basic Graph. This graph reflects how you see yourself. It shows how you are most comfortable acting when feeling free to be yourself. This is the graph that was used to determine your personality blend as being D/I. Keep in mind that behavior in your environment is often different than your real personality preferences. This report can give you insights into the dynamics of your personality style. You may observe that you exhibit very different personality traits in different situations. That is normal. As you learn to see the patterns in your behavior, you will be able to interact more effectively with others.


Your ReportJoe Sample

Understanding Your Environment Graph

Your Environment Graph
(How People See You)
Very High


Avg. Above
Avg. Below


Very Low
53        81        17        54

Your Environment Graph shows the way you have learned to function in your environment in order to achieve success. Your environment's requirements and expectations influence why you choose to act the way you do. The way you adapt to your environment can change depending on what you are going through in your life, changing role requirements, or major life-changing events. So, depending on the situation, you may respond with different personality traits to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, your Environment Graph can vary some over time (months or years).

Your Environment Graph is based on answers you selected in the MOST category in the assessment (characteristics MOST like you). Your MOST choices are influenced by your environment. A simple illustration will explain why the Environment Graph comes from your MOST choices. What do you MOST want for dinner tonight? Pizza? Steak? A seafood salad? Your MOST choice for dinner is influenced by your environment. You might order pizza if you are in a hurry. You might choose steak to celebrate a special event. You might choose the seafood salad if you are on a diet. You make similar decisions in your behavior. You may need to be very decisive at work, so your Dominant (D) traits may score higher than they otherwise might in a more relaxed situation. Likewise, if your work requires you to be very exact and careful every day, then you would expect your Cautious (C) traits to score a little higher than they might otherwise. The more "MOST" choices you made for a given DISC type in your assessment, the higher your plotting point for that given DISC type would be in the graph.





Your ReportJoe Sample

Understanding Your Real Personality Graph

Your Basic Graph
( The Real You)
Very High


Avg. Above
Avg. Below


Very Low
71        68        23        46

Your Basic Graph shows your natural behavior. It shows how you are "wired" to behave when you are totally at ease. It is also the behavior you will gravitate to when you are under pressure, because it is the response that comes easiest to you. Your personality is built into who you are. You were designed a certain way from birth, before any outside influences occurred. Your natural personality traits vary less over time, because they are not significantly influenced by your environment.

Your Basic Graph is based on the choices you made in the LEAST category in the assessment (characteristics that were LEAST like you). Each time you made a LEAST choice for a given DISC type in your assessment, you indicated that you were least like that trait and the lower your plotting point for that trait would be. Do you remember our dinner illustration from the previous page? What if you were given the dinner choices of pizza, steak, or a seafood salad, but you hated seafood? Chances are good that you would choose seafood as your LEAST desirable choice. You probably would not change that choice, no matter where you were. You are usually very consistent in the things you do not like. Likewise, you are usually consistent in staying away from behaviors that are LEAST comfortable to you when you have a choice.


How many different graphs are there?

Some people associate DISC with only 4 personality styles. However, you are a BLEND of ALL 4 personality traits that each have their own levels. The personality assessment can yield over 39,000 possible graph combinations. The validity of these reports in a statistical study showed about eighty five to ninety percent accuracy rate. For a more in-depth discussion of DISC, or to understand your graphs more completely, please refer to the books Positive Personality Profiles and Who Do You Think You Are, Anyway? by Robert A. Rohm, Ph.D.


Your ReportJoe Sample

More Resources AvailableMore resources


Dear Joe,

We hope that you have enjoyed reading your Personality Assessment Report.

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Please contact us if we can be of any assistance.

Thank you.


Angel Tucker
Best Selling Author/Communication Expert
Personality Profiles LLC


DISCLAIMER: This report is for educational and self-awareness purposes only. The content herein is based on general trait tendencies of the D/I personality style. This report is NOT intended to provide data, advice or guidance for diagnostic, health, legal, financial, or psychological purposes. If such advice or data is required, then a qualified professional should be sought. All parties associated with this report are to be held harmless from any and all liabilities, demands, claims, actions or suits that may be asserted related to the use of information contained herein.